Analogic Sound

Analogic Sound

Technics SB-7000 r&r

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These speakers are my daily listening to music device. Designed in late 70’s, this is Technics’s statement in audio world. They sound absolutely natural.
Their main feature is Linear Phase filter wich is the key for the soundstage these speakers provide.
For more information about what is all about Linear Phase you can read this:



Though they were puchased in mint condition, soon, after few days of listening, a problem appeared to me.
One of the tweeters had a problem , it didn’t sound as sharp and powerful as the other. At first i suspected the crossover but after various tests it seems the problem was in the tweeter itself . The coil partly detached from the membrane (age deffect).

The repair was performed with extreme care and now the unit sounds perfect to my ears.

Picture 387
Picture 388
Picture 389

final result:

Picture 391

Picture 397

Written by admin

June 27th, 2013 at 3:17 pm